Thirty seconds left, and one chance to complete the most improbable of last-minute comebacks. Just two minutes earlier the Storm were more than a converted try in arrears, an unexpected loss at AAMI Park looked all but certain. That was, of course, until Xavier Coates took flight. Full tilt, the X Man leapt over DWZ from metres short of the Warriors’ line, and as he came to ground, the crowd rose as one. By acclamation, it’s already Try of the Century, and perhaps even the greatest try of all time.
- A stunning tribute to Xavier Coates’ miraculous game-winning try against the Warriors, arguably the greatest try ever scored
- Iconic imagery captures the moment Coates soars towards the try-line, scoring a seemingly impossible try to cap-off the Storm’s famous comeback against the Warriors
- Personally signed by Xavier Coates
- Officially licensed and endorsed by the NRL
- Accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity
- Independently authenticated by a-Tag, with each edition including a tamper-proof, uniquely numbered hologram discreetly affixed to the display
- Approximate framed dimensions are 790mm x 490mm
- Please note: Anticipated despatch May 2024